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Shop Local

By February 28, 2018April 2nd, 2018News

Last year, Future St. Stephen had a business gap analysis done to help determine what new businesses are needed in Town and hence what opportunities are available to interested entrepreneurs.  That study has been shared quite widely and a summary is available to anyone who wants a copy.  It is important to identify new opportunities, but it also points out how much of our money we spend in the community and how much we spend outside of it.  Some is spent outside the community by necessity – certain things simply are not available locally.  But that gap is closing and we need to support the folks who are taking a chance and trying to service our needs here.  Those new and existing business owners also own homes here, buy groceries here, rent or build business space, hire local people, contribute to local charities and recreational groups, and most importantly they are helping us grow as a community.  Sounds like a “Shop Local” appeal, and it is.  People are investing time and money in our community and they need our support.  5,000 people spending just $50 more locally per month is $3 million directly into our local economy.  That is significant.  As business owners we also have a responsibility to do what we are asking our customers to do – buy local.

New in Town – The new ANBL recreational marijuana store is under construction on Route #3 just beyond the #1 highway on the left.  It is scheduled for completion in early Summer.

Karen Ludwig is moving her office to 69 Milltown Blvd, the Old Bank building formerly occupied by ANR.  Karen needs the extra space for important work she is doing in a number of areas.  Keith Holmes who owns the building at 45 King St. is opening a party house – a new sign is up but watch for updates.

Cox Electronics on route 170 are now selling Ashley furniture.  We needed a local furniture store so please support them.